Boost f-statitics power using genealogies. Compatible with admixtools2.
Full documentation at
Each function is described on this page:
Please see for scripts to run Relate and Twigstats on your data.


Please install this package by running the following command in R:



install.packages('twigstats', repos = c('', ''))

Alternatively, clone this directory ( and then in R type

If you have issues installing the package

Please make sure to have an up-to-date R version (>=3.6.0) and C/C++ compiler (e.g., >=GCC v8) loaded in your environment. If you encounter issues, it can help to create a clean R library. Assuming you place this in your home directory, this is done using

mkdir ~/R_libs_for_twigstats/
export R_LIBS_USER="~/R_libs_for_twigstats/"

Now, all R packages will be installed into this fresh R library. So please proceed by installing the package as described above.

Basic Usage


We simulate five populations named PI, PO, P1, P2, and PX, as described in our paper (Speidel et al, 2024). In this simulation PX is admixed between P1 and P2 50 generations ago and these source groups split 250 generations ago.

The proportion is constrained by a ratio of two f4-statistics f4(PO, PI, PX, P1)/f4(PO, PI, P2, P1). We compute these f-statistics on the genotypes, as conventional, and using Twigstats choosing a cutoff time of 500 generations. We additional compare against a version where we compute f-statistics on variants ascertained using a rare-variant cutoff of 5% MAF, and we compare against an idealised ‘chromosome painting’ approach.

We find that admixture proportions are inferred accurately and without bias using Twigstats.

Real data

We provide a detailed example data set, including ancient genomes from Britain, Ireland, and Scandinavia. We plot an MDS and compute admixture proportions in ‘Anglo-Saxon’ indiviuals in Britain using an f4-ratio statistic. For more details, please see