This function computes f2s or Fst in blocks along the genome and returns a data frame with columns blockID, pos, pop1, pop2, and the f2 or Fst values.
blgsize = 10000,
t = Inf,
use_muts = FALSE,
Filename of anc file. If chrs is specified, this should only be the prefix, resulting in filenames of ${file_anc}_chr${chr}.anc(.gz).
Filename of mut file. If chrs is specified, this should only be the prefix, resulting in filenames of ${file_anc}_chr${chr}.anc(.gz).
Filename of poplabels file
File prefix of recombination map.
File prefix of output files
(Optional) SNP block size in Morgan. Default is 0.05 (5 cM). If blgsize is 1 or greater, if will be interpreted as base pair distance rather than centimorgan distance.
(Optional) Time cutoff in generations. Default: Inf
(Optional) Calculate traditional f2 statistics by only using mutations mapped to Relate trees. Default: False.
(Optional) If TRUE, compute Fst. Default: FALSE
Returns a data frame with Fst or f2 values.
#These lines assign file names to variables file_anc, file_mut, poplabels, file_map.
#see for file formats
file_anc <- system.file("sim/msprime_ad0.8_split250_1_chr1.anc.gz", package = "twigstats")
file_mut <- system.file("sim/msprime_ad0.8_split250_1_chr1.mut.gz", package = "twigstats")
#see for file formats
poplabels <- system.file("sim/msprime_ad0.8_split250_1.poplabels", package = "twigstats")
file_map <- system.file("sim/genetic_map_combined_b37_chr1.txt.gz", package = "twigstats") #recombination map (three column format)
df <- TwigScan(file_anc = file_anc,
file_mut = file_mut,
poplabels = poplabels,
file_map = file_map,
file_out = "test",
blgsize = 10000, #optional
use_muts = FALSE, #optional
t = 1000, #optional
Fst = TRUE #optional
#> # A tibble: 6 × 8
#> # Groups: pop1, pop2 [1]
#> block pos val pop1 pop2 cutoff use_muts zval
#> <int> <int> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <lgl> <dbl>
#> 1 0 50000 0.157 P1 P2 1000 FALSE 3.66
#> 2 1 60000 0.155 P1 P2 1000 FALSE 3.61
#> 3 2 70000 0.140 P1 P2 1000 FALSE 3.19
#> 4 3 80000 0.137 P1 P2 1000 FALSE 3.12
#> 5 4 90000 0.140 P1 P2 1000 FALSE 3.19
#> 6 5 100000 0.142 P1 P2 1000 FALSE 3.26